Gerrit Vooren — NY BNI 12

Gerrit Vooren

Name: Gerrit Vooren
Company: voorenproductions
Profession: Video editor/producer
Power Team: Marketing
Phone: 917.566.3046
Business Address: Plaza Viquez, Cahuita, Talamanca, Limon, Costa Rica

Products and/or services offered:

Edits of all kinds of videos: using anything from Zoom recording, phone footage or highly produced assets. For Instagram a website or a gala event, for a nonprofit a real estate broker or a law firm.

Ideal Referrals:

Marketing and PR Firms, Website designers, People in fundraising and events at nonprofits.

Professional Bio:

Vooren Productions was founded in 2003 by Gerrit Vooren. Initially we worked with the arts community in theatre, film and dance. We then organically evolved from dance companies to working with nonprofits in the health/science, education and human services sector.

We edit and produce videos for galas and events, websites, social media campaigns, newsletters, digital proposals, public service announcements and commercials.

We are thrilled to have wonderful clients who support the most amazing causes: Columbia University Medical Center, Safehorizon, Easterseals, Boys and Girls Harbor, Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center, Astor Services, United Church Fund, 92Y, the Lung Cancer Research Foundation, Scholastic Foundation, Lasker Foundation and many, many others.